
I write whatever I want, my english are bad to be honest. If you hate bahasa rojak and you are a grammar police, my blog is not a great place for you to visit. Peace.

More to glad than regret?

"I can't wait to finish SPM and get the hell out of here"
"Nanti menyesal cakap macamtu"- (a senior)

Nope, I dont regret. 

End of high school, the place where people said that its the most memorable one instead of primary school. Indeed, I agreed with that. I couldnt remember all things I learned in maktab, there were too much. Too, too much. 

I started my high school not so great to be honest. Classmates, seniors, all of those dramas, shit rumours people made about me like they knew me so fcking well and stupid things I did.  I dont really like to remember it. Lets be real, siapa je suka kenangan pahit dan things we did that were really really embarassing. lol.

Anyway, my 2 last years in maktab were great. Classmates yang gila and more helpful then the old ones (but i still love my 12/14 mutiara, except for the boys) , very 'family-like-feel' homeroommates. They are the only reasons why I enjoyed my 'senior year' in maktab.  Oh, and also my Mutiara 12/14 girls and 'crush' . Danggg, I miss makan2 petang and gossiping with them. <3 div="" nbsp="">

but, there was time i prefer to be lonely. I usually walked alone during turun kelas for prep malam and balik dorm from prep petang. I really like to balik dorm lambat, class was my favourite place when I was form 5. I know, it weird but seriously i like to sit in class instead of dorm (probably because i was a LDP that time and rasa malas gila nak kerja taktahan lol) sorry miss marlia, but being LDP taught me that jadi pemimpin is so hard and lagi2 kena bekerja dengan other organization who hate you. (being honest here) . ok kisah lama *tutup*

After the wardens made the rules become so strict, i just wanna get out of there as soon as possible. But the wardens are actually a really really really nice. Just, the students dont appreciate that or dah biasa sangat the rules lama2. idk.

 I thought a lot of things and changes i wanted to do after i get out from here. Tukar number, buang every school uniforms, leave all whatsapp group, rasa malas nak contact balik dengan budak-budak maktab. But I cant do that, because I was attached to them for so long , until now. I ended up still use the same number, stay in every whatsapp groups except for mutiara 12/14 and 4 mutiara 2015. 4 mutiara group dah lama left sebab masa f5 adanya kelas mentor so ramai pindah kelas, a year takcukup to 'attach' bond classmates yang kuat lol plus most of classmates still masuk kelas 5 mutiara so group tu memang dah takguna. Mutiara 12/14, i left that group during SPM. Paling semak sebab tak aktif langsung. But I made a new group termasuklah budak-budak pindah tgb/gov sebab nak tahu perkembangan cerita mereka. (kemain nak left group maktab last2 buat group hahahaha). 

I moved to new primary school when I was eleven, I was very sad nak masuk sekolah menengah because i didnt want to leave my old primary school friends, like really really sad. Thats are probably why I didnt regret saying 'Tak sabar nak habis SPM' , not because i didnt get great life during that time, my friends was DA BOMB ! I enjoyed my life that time. Because, I already had enough with high school life, i wanted to be in next 'chapter'.

Thats is part of life , there are 'stages' you need to get through, like it or not, want it or not, you just have to jump into it. My high school, no, 'maktab life' ended. All the good and bad things became memories. All we can do is to wish an impossible wish. 'Can i go back to high school life again'. (But I never have that wish beause I dont want to go back to maktab because i hate wearing school uniforms.)

I miss it, of course, I miss them. My teachers, my classmates, my homeroommates. All I can do is to just keep contact with them and remember them as long as I can.

Part that I gonna miss,

1. Bangun subuh , pergi surau pakai telekung + pakai seluar sweatpant bercorak 
2. Lepak di DS during weekend tengok drama .
3. Fikir alasan atau sebab nak lalu depan kelas crush. (during 2016 sebab kelas dekat).
4. Jalan sesorang balik dorm after prep petang (I like doing that I dont know why).
5. Lepak dengan kawan, gossip until 1-3 am or tengok movie dekat bilik study.
6. Jalan dengan classmates perempuan ! especially balik dorm after prep malam. The best wei.
7. UNGA and minggu aktiviti 2016 poem perfomances (we won!)
9. Bermanja dengan cikgu saliana (she's been with me since f1 sampai f5) (tice if you read my blog again i really miss you :( )
10. Lepak dekat pejabat miss marlia.
11. Sesi luahan dengan roommates (with mila especially because she became my roommates during f1,f2 and f5)
12. Kena denda dengan cikgu adam .
13. Your friends sang you a birthday song. (small thing already enough to make me happy)
14. Me and Elsa left the dataran DDO because we wanted to skip 'motivational cheer and speech).
16. Camp f1 and f4, we walked around area bakri dari petang sampai malam-malam buta (that camp 'merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim' antara classmates baru) .
17. Ceramah ustaz FAUZI ! My fave ceramah ustaz. The other Ustazs are also okay but Ustaz fauzi is my fave.
18. LANGUAGE WEEK 2013 ! Drama team were the best ! but I dont miss being Linda , I had to seduce a form 5 guy in a VERY FLIRTY WAY.
20. Beli burger, lol. (shoutout for those who selalu jadi tukang order)

Camp? Gotong-royong? I hate that. Not gonna include them into list. (except for number 16 because that camp is the ONLY AND ONLY camp I enjoyed)

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